National Conference of Science and Technology

The conference “DPP” is a meeting of scientists and engineers, who are looking after the problems of diagnostics of industrial processes with application of many various methods and techniques. For the first time the conference was organised in 1996 in Podkowa Leœna near Warsaw. Since then the meetings are organised cyclicly by Warsaw University of Technology, Technical University of Zielona Góra and Gdańsk University of Technology.

      The conference is a national forum of exchange of scientific and technical informations and experiences in the field of disciplines, which are placed in point of contact such domains as technical diagnostic, automatic and informatic. Subject matter of the conference concerns the methods of fault detection and isolation as well as diagnostic systems for industrial processes. Generally, the field of conference corresponds with the subject matter of International Simposium of Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes - SAFEPROCESS, which since 1991, in three-years cycle, is organised under the auspices of International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC.

Main topics of conference

• Methods of detection and identification of faults using math models, fuzzy logic, neural networks, statistic signal processing and experts systems,

• Devices and diagnostic systems,

• Industrial application of methods and diagnostic systems,

• Robust control systems,

• Diagnostics and safety of computer control systems,

• Methods of industrial processes safety increasing.

Past conferences

DPP ’96 - September, 1996, Podkowa Leśna near Warsaw

organized by Warsaw University of Technology,

Institute of Automatic and Robotics

DPP ’97 - September, 1997, Łagów Lubuski

organized by Technical University of Zielona Góra,

Institute of Robotics and Software Engineering,

DPP ’98 - September, 1998, Jurata

organized by Gdańsk University of Technology,

Department of Systems of Automatic

DPP ’99 - September, 1999, Kazimierz Dolny

organized by Warsaw University of Technology,

Institute of Automatic and Robotics

DPP ’01 - September, 2001, Łagów Lubuski near Zielona Góra

organized by the University of Zielona Góra,

Institute of Control and Computational Engineering

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